Session 17 - Blackwall Keep

Prior to departure, Tyree paid off his entire family debt and received a Reputation Award +3. The Heroes then accompanied Allustan past Golden Fields to the northern edge of the Stump Bog where they observed Blackwall Keep under Lizardfolk siege. After some pretty Heroic maneuvers, the Heroes routed the attackers and saved the day. Large CR XP award, RP awards, Party Quest Awards, and PC quest Awards.

Kamist 2,855/26,783 (+3 Reputation/30)
Alobron 2,945/26,915 (+3 Reputation/15)
Valcrist 3,620/17,517 (+3 Reputation/17) *6th Level
Egwaine 2,955/23,955 (+3 Reputation/13)
Storn 2,830/24,940 (+3 Reputation/22)
Tyree 3,035/24,438 (+6 Reputation/11)

1 comment:

Tyree said...

Storn that is number six! Better that my friend!!!