Session 28 - Ambush

This short session consisted of an Ambush by the illithid who the Heroes think may go by a name that sounds like ZYYRRRRR XOOOG or something, based on what the Thralls had growled. XP awarded for the defeat of the Drow Thralls and a partial award for their leader. PC quests turned in by Tyree, Rumple, and Egwaine. Additional ding awards for a couple of the PCs. Also a Party Quest turned in by all for the report to Fenten which also provided a +3 Reputation Award. Alobron, -1 Reputation for the 'braining" of the helpless homeless bum, there was a witness.

Kamist 1,500 / 45,422 (Reputation 3/49) *10th level
Alobron 1,505/ 45,000 (Reputation 2/32) *10th level
Egwaine 1,625 / 42,366 (Reputation 3/33)
Storn 1,500 / 42,529 (Reputation 3/41)
Tyree 1,600 / 43,289 (Reputation 3/30)
Aedrinar 2,350 / 37,050 (Reputation 3/29) *9th level
Rumple 1,600 /39,500 (Reputation 3/15)
Quarvo NPC (Reputation 3/4) NPC * 9th level

Well Done.

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