The Heroes entered the Tower of the Old Observatory and battled
Filge the Evil Necromancer and his minions. The Heroes then
rescued the 'Land Family' remains and returned them to the graveyard so
Alastor could be buried beside them. This honorable act resulted in a Party Quest
XP reward(however a few RP
XP Points were left on the table when the only words in
remembrance during the solemn task were spoken by non-Priests,
Lathandar be
praised). The Heroes then completed a number of errands and were jumped by a wandering pack of
Grimlocks. There were a few PC quests completed and
XP was rewarded. For turning in the body of
Filge and collecting a bounty, all PC present at the garrison awarded +1 Reputation.
Kamist 1,700/6,928 (+1 Reputation/14)
*Level 4 Dolgun 1,955/6,823 (+1 Reputation/14)
*Level 4Eldron 0/3,402 (+0 Reputation/7)
Valcrist 300/2,331 (+0 Reputation/4)
Trogdor 1,680/5,526 (+1 Reputation/7)
Hein 1,735/5,647 (+1 Reputation/7)
Storn 1,720/6,723 (+1 Reputation/8)
*Level 4Carenthal 550/5,398 (+1 Reputation/9)
Sparrow 1,877/4,669 (+1 Reputation/7)
*Level 3
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