The Heroes visited with
Allustan and the Garrison. Allustan paid the Heroes a reward and at the Garrison a bounty was paid for an additional group of Bandits. Three
'Party Quests' were turned in and all (including Absent Players)
received a 225
XP bonus for these
'Party Quests'.
The Three
Hills Adventuring Company then ventured deep into the
Dourstone mine after visiting with Thorn
Hardshield (one of the Foreman at the
Dourstone Mine) and the Father of
Dolgun. In the Dourstone Mine they discovered a recently constructed elevator that
descended down into a an ancient temple area. Here the Heroes battled
Teiflings, Skeletons, and
Banite Cultists. The Heroes were also
attacked by a Large Fiendish Dire Boar that tore into them with its goring tusks at +12 melee (1d8+12 damage).
Hein remained to help Jasper and visit his new love Julie (minor Online
XP award, thanks for the email) and Sparrow remained behind to decorate the Adventuring Company Compound and spend some
quality time with Sgt Trenton
Voss (moderate online
XP award and +2 Reputation).
Kamist 1,605/11,163 (+1 Reputation/16)
*Level 5Dolgun 1,620/11,073 (+1 Reputation/16)
*Level 5Valcrist 1,610/6,631 (+1 Reputation/6)
*Level 4
Justice 1,620/7,500 (+1 Reputation/3)
*Level 3 (+1 ECL)Trogdor 1,620/9,761 (+1 Reputation/9)
Hein 300/8,942 (+1 Reputation/12)
Storn 1,655/10,993 (+1 Reputation/10)
*Level 5Carenthal 1,605/7,953 (+1 Reputation/11)
Sparrow 850/8,164 (+3 Reputation/11)
Get Ready for 'The Pain'.