The Heroes traveld with Allustan to the Blackwall Keep on the northern side of the Stump Bog. Along the way the Hereos encountered a number of role playing encounters and one Combat Encounter with the Command Element of an Orc Horde raiding up and down the Dessarin. Storn was Killed and was raised by Vulkus Dun of Tyr. Since Storn is not of the Tyrian Faith the cost is 5,000 gp (members of a faith often get a discount of anywhere from 500gp to 2,000gp). Also Kamist earned an additional Reputation Bonus for entertainment of the Dwarf Artisans. Having returned to Diamond Lake as Champions, who have defeated a major threat to the surrounding area, all the Heroes have recieve an addtional XP and Reputation Award (and will likely also be rewarded by the Garrison with a treasure award as well).
Kamist 2,599 + 200 (Downtime)= 2,799/23,928(+5 Reputation/27)
Alobron 2,564 + 200 (DT) = 2,764/23,970(+4 Reputation/12)
Hein 3,346 + 55 (DT)= 3,401/23,199(+4 Rep/21)*Level 6(+1 ECL)
Storn 3,291+125(DT)-600(Raise)=2,816/22,110(+4 R/19)*Level 7
Carenthal 3,261 + 200(DT) = 3,461/21,291(+4 Rep/20)*Level 7
Tyree 3,261 + 55 (DT) = 3,316/21,406(+4 Reputation/5) *Level 7
Valcrist 200 + 0 (Downtime) = 200/13,897 (+3 Reputation/14)
Trogdor 200 + 0 (Downtime) = 200/19,557 (+3 reputation/17)
Allustan NPC (Gained XP)
Kamist 2,599 + 200 (Downtime)= 2,799/23,928(+5 Reputation/27)
Alobron 2,564 + 200 (DT) = 2,764/23,970(+4 Reputation/12)
Hein 3,346 + 55 (DT)= 3,401/23,199(+4 Rep/21)*Level 6(+1 ECL)
Storn 3,291+125(DT)-600(Raise)=2,816/22,110(+4 R/19)*Level 7
Carenthal 3,261 + 200(DT) = 3,461/21,291(+4 Rep/20)*Level 7
Tyree 3,261 + 55 (DT) = 3,316/21,406(+4 Reputation/5) *Level 7
Valcrist 200 + 0 (Downtime) = 200/13,897 (+3 Reputation/14)
Trogdor 200 + 0 (Downtime) = 200/19,557 (+3 reputation/17)
Allustan NPC (Gained XP)