At great risk to Egwaine, she overcame the magic protecting the Apostolic Scroll and lowered the
green magical protective barrier on the stone door in the altar room of the Shrine of Kyuss level. Here they then battled and defeated a bunch of undead and the
Apostle of Kyuss and learned the true secret the
Ebon Triad was planning for the Champions' Games finale. Though there
was great danger, the Heroes pulled it off and defeated the great creature earning a large CR award split 7 ways. Two PCs earned quest awards, and a few role playing dings were awarded as well.

Kamist 3,350/ 64,749 (Reputation 0/62)
Alobron 3,350 / 63,900 (Reputation 0/45)
Egwaine 3,525 / 61,423 (Reputation 0/46)
Storn 3,425 / 62,483 (Reputation 0/54)
Tyree 3,325 / 62,495 (Reputation 0/43)
Rumple 3,325 / 60,025 (Reputation 0/28)
Menelvagor 3,325 / 59,900 (Reputation 0/15)
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